Home Fashion Style Why Going to the Hair Salon Can Help Your Mental Health
Fashion Style - February 24, 2023

Why Going to the Hair Salon Can Help Your Mental Health

It’s a common saying that your hairstylist doubles as your unofficial therapist, and it’s said because it’s true! There’s something incredibly therapeutic about talking to a near-stranger while getting your hair done, and it’s highly beneficial to your mental health too. According to Booksy, 43% of haircare professionals find themselves critical to their clients’ mental health. Find out why going to the hair salon affects your emotional wellbeing below.


Talking Can Help Sort Out Your Problems

We don’t want or feel comfortable talking about some things in life with friends and family. Stresses can seem a bit heavy for dinner conversation, but everything and anything comes up when you get your hair done! In fact, 37% of people are more willing to act on their hairstylist’s advice.

It’s easier to talk to someone you’re not close with about things that might be on your mind because there’s less social pressure to say, “I’m fine.” It’s also easier for them to give you unsolicited advice because they don’t know the people involved and can give an outsider’s opinion.

If You Look Good, You Feel Good

Nothing takes the pressure off of your shoulders more than feeling confident in the way you look! A new hairstyle or a touch-up on hair color can genuinely do you a world of good. You will feel like a million bucks after seeing your new hair.

Say you’ve got a big meeting coming up that you’re stressing yourself about unconsciously. Knowing you have your hair done won’t dissolve those worries, but it will boost your confidence almost instantly! If you’re feeling more confident, you’re going to go into that stressful situation with a more positive attitude.

There’s a Sense of Community

Hair salons are infamous for their laid-back, warm and positive feeling. You walk in, and there is instantly a sense of togetherness, so it’s hard to stay blue when you’ve got all of those friendly faces around you!

Surprisingly, loneliness is one of the most significant mental health concerns we face in the modern age. Just because we are all endlessly connected through the wonders of the internet doesn’t mean we’re not all getting hit with that wave of loneliness from time to time.

Going to the hairdressers can be a momentary act of relief from that loneliness, no matter how brief it may be. It gives you a chance to break away from your routine and talk to people that you wouldn’t ordinarily end up talking to at work. You might be able to relieve some stress off your shoulders by talking to your stylist about what’s on your mind. Don’t feel awkward about it – they’ve heard it all before.

Take a Break From Daily Stress

If you’ve got a lot on your plate – work, kids, a nagging partner – going to the hairstylist can be a momentary stress relief for you. It gets you out of the demanding cycle you’re in for a short period and makes it so you can take a bit of time for yourself. Knowing that you will look good after visiting the hair salon is just the cherry on top.

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