Home Weight Loss Top 10 Benefits Of Watermelon Juice For Skin, Hair And Health
Weight Loss - February 20, 2023

Top 10 Benefits Of Watermelon Juice For Skin, Hair And Health

Watermelons are a favorite for many. Come summers, and you can’t resist those glasses of fresh watermelon juice, slices, and popsicles! However, are you aware of the many ways watermelon juice benefits your health?

Watermelon is naturally found in the hot summers, especially in tropical and temperate regions, to help you beat the heat. It is rich in water content and has a sweet flavor. The juice helps you stay hydrated and well-nourished. Watermelon is also a rich source of carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin C, and many other important nutrients. It is also low in fat and calories.

It is a natural health drink that not only keeps your body salts and minerals in balance but also helps add glow to your skin and hair. Continue reading to know more about the benefits of watermelon juice.

Stylecraze Trivia Watermelons were first domesticated in North-Eastern Africa and grown in Egypt by 2000 BCE. During the Roman era, the sweet variety of watermelons spread throughout the Mediterranean region.

Top 10 Benefits of Watermelon Juice:


Check out here some of the best watermelon juice benefits are:

1. Keeps The Heart Healthy

Watermelon is a very rich source of Lycopene which is an antioxidant that helps to defuse ‘free radicals’ that could potentially damage tissues and organs of the body (1).

2. Ideal Diet For Weight Loss

As it mainly consists of water and minerals and negligible amounts of fats, it is best suited for a weight loss diet. Being rich in electrolytes and Vitamins it proves to be a complete power packed fruit (2).

3. Stress Buster Fruit

Watermelon is high in vitamin B6, which is used by the body to relieve fatigue, stress and anxiety, etc (3).

4. Anti-Aging Agent


One of the best benefits of watermelon juice is preventing aging signs. The presence of Lycopene in it is also beneficial for the skin as the antioxidants tend to decrease free radicals from the body and retards the process of aging quite effectively (4).

Related: 9 Most Common Anti-Aging Treatments To Get Younger Skin

5. Instant Source Of Energy


It is an excellent source of instant energy as it contains electrolytes (sodium & potassium), minerals and carbohydrates in it which keeps the body hydrated and energetic (5).

6. Fiber-Rich Fruit

Being a fiber-rich fruit, it adds bulk to the food and is very helpful in digestion (6). The water content is responsible for flushing out the toxins from the body.

7. Treats Skin Problems

It is very good for the skin and removes excess oil from the skin which cures many skin problems like acne and pimples (7).

Related: 13 Tips And Remedies To Prevent Acne And Pimples Naturally

8. Natural Moisturizer


It proves to be a natural moisturizer and toner for the face and keeps the skin glowing and well hydrated (8).

9. Treats Osteoarthritis Disease

It is believed that a glass of watermelon juice everyday will keep diseases like osteoarthritisXThe most common form of arthritis in which the protective cartilages that cushions the end of bones wears down. , rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and colon cancer at a good distance.

10. Maintains Blood Pressure


As it has a good proportion of electrolytes, it keeps the blood pressure on a check and normalizes it efficiently (9).

Related: 15 Simple & Natural Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure At Home Stylecraze Trivia Watermelons are one of the most highly-cultivated fruits with more than 1000 varieties commercially available worldwide.

So, now you know what are the benefits of watermelon juice, now let’s look into its nutrition benefits.

Watermelon Juice Nutrition Facts

Nutritional value of Watermelon in 1 cup o f watermelon juice (about 150g) is as below:

Nutrition chart of watermelon juice
Carbohydrates- 89%
Fats- 4%
Protein- 7%
nutrition value 1cup (150g)
energy 71cal
protein 1.45g
carbohydrate 17.97g
fats 0.36g
saturated fats 0.038g
monounsaturated fatsXA type of dietary fat which helps lower bad cholesterols that have a single carbon double bond. 0.088g
polyunsaturated fats 0.119g
cholesterol 0 mg
fiber 1g
electrolytes(sodium & potassium) 2mg (sodium) 267mg (potassium)

Watermelon juice is a healthy refreshing drink during the hot summers. Loaded with essential minerals, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin C, and its high water content, the benefits of watermelon juice add to its popularity. Low in fat and calorie content, watermelon juice is a naturally sweet and healthy hydration booster. It is not only good for skin, bones, and heart health but also aids in healthy weight loss. Watermelon quality and hygiene in preparation are key in avoiding any potential side effects.

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