Home Mental Health Are You Friends With a Trauma Dumper?
Mental Health - November 28, 2022

Are You Friends With a Trauma Dumper?

There’s a fine line between confiding in a friend and using them as a receptacle for your pain and stress. The latter is what we call trauma dumping, and as much as it might feel like venting, this habit may actually be harmful to the person you’re talking to. As a coping mechanism, trauma dumping is also not particularly sustainable or helpful — it more than likely won’t give you the support you actually need.

So how do you recognize trauma dumping, and what do you do if it’s happening to you? Trauma dumping has never been rare, but it might be especially noticeable now, when so many people are dealing with stress, anxiety, burnout, or depression (or all of the above). We tapped licensed psychologist Courtney Cornick, PhD, to share a few warning signs of trauma dumping and some ways you can prevent yourself from doing it — or stop it from happening to you.

What Is Trauma Dumping, and How Do I Recognize It?

Trauma dumping is “unloading your personal trauma experiences on another person without their consent or preparation,” Dr. Cornick tells POPSUGAR. While it’s healthy to share your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations with someone who is equipped to deal with them, “there is a difference between venting to a friend and dumping your trauma,” Dr. Cornick says: “Trauma dumping becomes a problem when the recipient cannot emotionally handle the content of the information or respond appropriately.” What you’re sharing with them might be hurtful or triggering in some way, which is what makes this habit problematic — you’re pushing your pain onto someone else, which could hurt them while still leaving your problems unsolved.

It can be a challenge to tell the difference between venting and trauma dumping, Dr. Cornick notes. “Typically, trauma dumping is one-sided, and the other person usually isn’t engaged in the conversation,” she says. If you think trauma dumping might be happening to you, examine the way you feel during and after the conversation. “People often feel emotionally uncomfortable during the conversation and leave the interaction feeling anxious, drained, stressed, and/or helpless,” Dr. Cornick says.

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