Home Weight Loss Shiva Meditation – What Is It And What Are Its Benefits?
Weight Loss - October 19, 2022

Shiva Meditation – What Is It And What Are Its Benefits?

One of the major benefits of Shiva meditation is that it helps you replicate the absolute stillness of the Lord Shiva. As they say, you cannot separate meditation from Shiva and vice versa. He is considered the Lord of Meditation. In fact, all of his portraits depict him in a deep meditative state.

This meditative technique helps you open your third eye and get your mind functioning at its full potential. It helps you take control of your mind and keep away thoughts that unsettle you.

It is also said to help you evolve as a person and conduct your daily-to-day life meaningfully. Moreover, our great yogis have called this meditation a life-changing process.

In this article, we explore what this meditative technique is all about, the steps involved, and its benefits. Keep scrolling.

In This Article

 What Is Shiva?

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 Shiva is Adiyogi – the first guru of yoga. A yogic lore mentions that over 15,000 years ago, he attained enlightenment and danced ecstatically on the Himalayas and created 84 lakh asanas with his movements.

But, when you ask somebody what Shiva is, there is no single answer. And, that’s the beauty of Shiva. Shiva is universal consciousness. And, realizing that you are one with it is the trick to help you understand the workings of the world.

Meditating upon such an intense cosmic energy or thought will only elevate your being. Shiva is worshiped in various forms and has numerous names.

He is a yogi, a cosmic dancer, a family man, an ascetic, etc. Shiva is also widely represented in the aniconic form of ‘lingam.’ But, at the highest level, he is a formless and limitless primal soul of the universe.

He is called by various names like Shankar, Shambho, Maheshwar, Mahadev, Bhairav, etc. Shiva’s symbolic representation is that of a muscled man clothed in tiger skin with snakes adorning his body and ash smeared on it.

He carries a spear called the ‘Trishul’ and a drum called the ‘Damaru.’ His neck is blue, and he has long, thick, matted locks. Ganga flows from his head, and the moon shines from the top of his head.

He has a third eye, which is essentially the mind’s eye that enables perceiving and understanding of the self and the world at a subconscious level. Shiva Meditation helps open your inner eye.

Let’s take a look at its procedure now.

Related: Om Meditation And Its Benefits

The Shiva Meditation Technique

  1. Preparation
  2. Sitting Position
  3. Breathing
  4. Visualization
  5. Chanting
  6. Blissing Out

1. Preparation 

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First thing – stretch. Yes, that will help you sit comfortably without feeling any tension or stiffness in the body. Make sure you stretch your back, hips, buttocks, shoulders, thighs, and feet. Try asanas like Paschimottanasana, Utthita Padahastasana, Baddha Konasana, Vajrasana, etc.

Then, find a place that is not noisy and where you can hear the sounds of nature, like the birds chirping and the wind whooshing. Wear comfortable clothes, something that is suitable for the weather so that you don’t sweat or feel cold.

Switch off all gadgets and finish any immediate tasks so that when you sit to meditate, nothing will distract you or cause a need to end the meditation hurriedly.

Stylecraze Says

You may listen to Classical music, Zen music, Ambient music, Binaural tones, or Isochronic tones while doing Shiva meditation to avoid the noises of everyday life.

Related: What Is Cosmic Energy Meditation And What Are Its Benefits?

2. Sitting Position

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 Sit comfortably, whether it is down, on a chair, or leaned against a wall. Keep your back straight, but not abnormally straight.

Place your hands in a comfortable position or mudra either on the knees or clasped together near the insides of the inner thighs.

When you sit down, assume the Sukhasana, Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana, or the Vajrasana.

Make sure you are comfortable in the pose or make adjustments so that your sitting position doesn’t distract you from the meditation.

3. Breathing

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Breathe slowly and consciously, feeling its movement. Inhale on the count of 6, hold the breath for 6 counts, and exhale it on the count of 6.

Focus on how the air is going in, staying in the body, and coming out. Give complete attention to it and get back to it whenever your concentration wavers.

Feel the life force filling your body when you inhale, become aware of the pause between the inhalation and exhalation, and when you exhale, forget the concept of the self and the body and feel oneness with everything around you.

Related: Dhyana Yoga – What Is it And What Are Its Benefits?

4. Visualization 

Image: Shutterstock

Breathing in the above manner helps your body become calm and still. Follow it up by feeling the area in between your eyebrows. And while doing so, visualize Shiva in whichever form he occurs in your mind.

It could be Nataraja, the cosmic dancer, Adiyoga, the meditating monk, or Ardhanarishwara – the embodiment of male-female aspects. Feel his presence and aura. Be completely taken by it.

Think of nothing except Shiva. Let Shiva engulf you.

5. Chanting 

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In an attempt to merge with Shiva, invoke his name. Chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya,’ which means to call upon Shiva with reverence. Om is a primordial sound. It is the first sound of creation. Uttering Om is echoing creation, life, and energy.

‘Namah Shivaya’ is offering devotion to Shiva. Chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ continuously at a pace that you find suitable. The mantra will help you feel Shiva within yourself. Continue till you feel merged with Shiva, where there is no self, and you are Shiva, and Shiva is you.

6. Blissing Out 

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Stay in this moment of absolute bliss where you experience divinity. Let it remove the clutter in your mind and help you gain a single-pointed focus.

Rub your palms together and place them on your closed eyes. You will feel feather light as a result of overcoming the weight of yourself. Let that feeling sink in completely and then slowly open your eyes to conclude the meditation. This procedure might take anywhere between half an hour to a couple of hours.

Stylecraze SaysYou may also conclude the meditation by chanting ‘Om Shanti’ for about a minute. Make sure to say it right from your belly and take note of the vibration emanating from you.

Now, let’s acquaint ourselves with the numerous benefits of Shiva Meditation.

Benefits Of Shiva Meditation

  • Shiva Meditation induces a deep state of calm and relaxation.
  • Unnecessary thoughts are wiped off from your mind with this meditation.
  • It increases your stamina and stabilizes your blood pressure.
  • Shiva Meditation eases your tensed muscles and strengthens your immune system.
  • It helps you lose weight and get over your addiction.
  • It slows down the aging process and builds tremendous confidence.
  • Shiva Meditation helps you let go off all your fears and phobias.
  • It helps you gain control over your thoughts.
  • It improves your memory and helps better your relationships.
  • Shiva Meditation helps you react lesser to unnecessary issues.
  • It helps you deal better with your problems instead of becoming restless.
  • It helps you discover the purpose of your life.
  • Shiva Meditation helps you become forgiving and one with God.

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