Home Weight Loss How To Reduce Breast Size: 10 Natural Remedies
Weight Loss - September 6, 2022

How To Reduce Breast Size: 10 Natural Remedies

The breasts are sensitive to weight changes, and it is quite common to go up a cup size after gaining some pounds. This can cause undue pressure on them, so learning how to reduce breast size may be beneficial in the long run. If you are trying to make your breasts look more firm without going under the scalpel, you may try the tips discussed in the article. Scroll down to learn more.

In This Article

What Are The Factors That Affect The Breast Size?

Several factors determine the size of your breasts:

  • Genetics: Your genes play a major role in determining factors like skin elasticity and tissue density, which may impact the shape and size of the breasts (1). It may also impact the strength of Cooper’s ligaments that support your breasts.
  • The Body Mass Index: Your body weight and BMI are also responsible for your breast size. People with high BMI generally tend to have larger breasts (2).
  • Your Age: With age, the ligaments that hold your breasts can lose their strength and cause sagging (3).
  • Breastfeeding: The number of kids you have and your history of breastfeeding has a connection with your breast size. When the breasts produce milk, they become heavy and tends to sag. Moreover, the weight gain during pregnancy may also affect the breast size and shape (3).

David Shafer, a double board-certified plastic surgeon, says, “ Breast tissue develops in response to hormones in the body. As people go through puberty, the estrogensXA group of hormones responsible for the development of female sex traits and the regulation of the reproductive system. stimulate the tissue to grow. This is seen in females as the breast develops and also sometimes in males resulting in gynecomastiaXExcessive growth of the breast glands in boys or men caused by hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy. . As women age, the breast tissue can change with pregnancy, hormonal changes, and weight loss and gain.”

Now that you are well aware of the different factors responsible for the shape and size of your breasts, let us look at some natural ways that can help improve the look for the sagging breasts.

How To Reduce Your Breast Size Naturally

1. Fenugreek


You Will Need

  • 3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
  • Water (as required)

What You Have To Do

  1. Soak three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight.
  2. Grind them the next day to form a thick paste.
  3. Apply this paste evenly to both your breasts.
  4. Leave it on until it dries and wash off.

How Often

3 to 4 times a week

Why This Works

Anecdotal evidence suggests that fenugreek seeds may prevent sagging, improve the firmness of your breasts, and reduce their size.

Related: Fenugreek Seeds For Weight Loss – Benefits + 4 Ways To Include Them In Your Diet

2. Flaxseeds

You Will Need

  • 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds
  • 1 glass of warm water

What You Have To Do

  1. Mix both the ingredients and drink.
  2. Alternatively, you can also add powdered flaxseeds to your favorite dish or juice.

How Often

Once daily

Why This Works

Flaxseeds have estrogen-reducing properties (4), (5). This hormone controls the growth of the ducts in the breasts. Hence, flaxseed intake may have some effect in reducing breast size.

3. Ginger


You Will Need

  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

What You Have To Do

  1. Boil the grated ginger for 5 minutes and strain the liquid.
  2. Let it cool down. Add honey to it and drink.

How Often

3 times daily

Why This Works

Regular consumption of ginger helps in obesity management and may help reduce weight and associated risks (6), (7). This may have an overall impact on your body weight and help improve the look of sagging breasts. However, there are no studies to prove the efficacy of ginger in reducing breast size.

Related: 25 Benefits Of Ginger, How To Take It, Nutrition, & Guidelines StyleCraze Says If you want to replace the honey in your tea, agave nectar is an excellent substitute.

4. Green Tea

You Will Need

  • 1 teaspoon of green tea
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

What You Have To Do

  1. Boil the tea leaves for 5 minutes and strain the liquid.
  2. Let it cool down, add honey to it, and drink.

How Often

3 times a day

Why This Works

Green tea may help reduce body weight and body mass index (8). Weight gain is one of the causes of increased breast size. Hence, reducing body weight may help reduce breast size.

Related: How To Make Green Tea – 3 Simple Brewing Methods

5. Neem And Turmeric


You Will Need

  • A handful of neem leaves
  • 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (optional)

What You Have To Do

  1. Boil the neem leaves for 5-10 minutes and strain the liquid.
  2. Add turmeric and honey to it and drink it up.

How Often

Once daily

Why This Works

This remedy is especially useful if you are trying to lose breast fat after pregnancy or breastfeeding. Internal inflammation is associated with obesity and the deposition of fat. Neem and turmeric help overcome inflammation (9), (10). This may help reduce the breast size.

6. Garcinia Cambogia (Malabar Tamarind)

You Will Need

  • 300-500 mg garcinia cambogia supplements

What You Have To Do

Consume 300-500 mg garcinia cambogia supplements after consulting your doctor.

How Often

3 times daily or as suggested by the doctor

Why This Works

Garcinia cambogia supplements can induce weight loss (11). This may help in overall weight management and obesity and also aid in reducing breast size. However, the supplements alone may not help. You have to exercise to reduce weight.

7. Fish Oil


You Will Need

Fish oil supplements (1000 mg)

What You Have To Do

Take the fish oil supplements as suggested.

How Often

3 times a week or as suggested by the doctor

Why This Works

Omega-3 fatty acids may help in weight management (12). This may also assist in reducing the breast size caused by pregnancy or weight gain. However, supplements alone may not help in weight loss. You must exercise to maintain a healthy weight. Also, do not consume any nutritional supplement without consulting the doctor.

Related: Fish Oil For Hair Growth: Benefits, How To Use, And Precautions

8. Spinach

You Will Need

  • 2-3 bunches of spinach

What You Have To Do

  1. Prepare a spinach smoothie with almond milk and fruits of your choice.
  2. Add some ice cubes to it and drink.

How Often

3 times a week

Why This Works

Spinach is known for its weight loss benefits (13). Consume this smoothie and workout to tone the muscles, reduce your weight, and improve the appearance of your breasts.

Related: 11 Important Health Benefits Of Spinach + Nutrition Facts

9. Lemon


You Will Need

  • A lemon
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

What You Have To Do

  1. Squeeze a lemon into the water and add honey to it.
  2. Stir and drink.

How Often

Once daily

Why This Works

Lemon can significantly reduce body fat (14). Regular consumption of citrus fruits may help with fat loss, which may significantly reduce your breast size.

10. Mustard leaves

You Will Need

  • 10-12 mustard greens
  • A cup of mint leaves

What You Have To Do

  1. Add mustard and mint leaves to your smoothie mix.
  2. Blend and drink.

How Often

Twice a week

Why This Works

Mustard leaves can reduce fat deposition and contribute to overall weight loss (14). This may also help reduce breast size.

Diet, remedies, and supplements alone cannot help in reducing your breast size. You also have to ensure you are following an active lifestyle. Additionally, you can follow these tips for faster results.

Tips To Reduce Your Breast Size

  1. Massage your breasts to reduce the fat deposits in the breast tissues.
  2. Choose bras that suit your size perfectly and support your breasts. Ill-fitting bras may cause more harm than good. Also, do not wear them for prolonged hours and replace them every six months (after 180 wears).
  3. Increase your water intake and stay hydrated to reduce fat deposition in your body (15). This may also keep the skin elastic and prevent breast sagging.
  4. Talk to a nutritionist and follow a proper diet according to your body needs to maintain overall health and weight,and eventually reduce the size of your breasts. Read on to know more about foods that help in reducing breast size.

Diet To Reduce Your Breast Size

A high body mass index and weight gain have a direct impact on breast size. Hence, follow a proper diet to maintain optimal BMI and reduce breast size. Consult a dietitian or nutritionist to get a proper diet chart according to your body type and needs. You can start by including these foods in your diet:

  • Nuts
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Citrus fruits
  • Honey
  • Tomatoes
  • Lean meats
  • Whole grains

Additionally, avoid fried and processed foods or consume them in moderation.

A healthy diet is effective when coupled with exercise. Keep on reading to know about the exercises to reduce breast size.

Best Exercises To Reduce Breast Size

1. Jogging

All kinds of cardio exercises may help in reducing body fat, including the fat in your bust area. Hence, jog, run, or cycle to reduce the size of your breasts.

20 to 30 minutes

2. Push-ups

Push-ups may help tone your breasts and the chest muscles (pectoral) and make them firmer, thus helping reduce their size and improving their appearance.

15 to 20

3. Swimming

The strokes you use while swimming work on your chest and shoulder muscles, helping you achieve toned pectorals and improving the appearance of your breasts.

20 minutes

4. Yoga

Practicing yoga poses like the Prayer Pose, Half Moon Pose, and Frog Pose can help reduce the size of your breasts and make them firmer.

Hold each yoga pose for 10 to 20 seconds.

Infographic: Yoga Poses To Reduce Breast Size Naturally

Bigger breasts often lead to back pain and discomfort. While you can follow the remedies in the article to reduce breast size, yoga can help speed up the process. Certain yoga poses can tone the breasts and help improve their firmness and reduce size. Check out the infographic below to learn more.

StyleCraze Says If the natural solutions do not work, you may choose breast reduction surgery that is usually performed in a hospital and lasts a few hours. The procedure involves the removal of fat, skin, and tissue from the lower breast area.

Maintaining the appearance and shape of your breasts is doable if you follow a fit and active lifestyle. Your breast size is affected by many factors like age and BMI. You can improve the sagginess and reduce breast size by following simple home remedies. These remedies feature ingredients that promote skin firmness or may help reduce weight. These properties may help improve the overall appearance of your breast. Follow a nutritious diet and a regular exercise regimen to get maximum results. Consult your healthcare provider about using binders and support bras that may help enhance your look.

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