Home Weight Loss 4 Best Ways Tamarind Helps You To Lose Weight
Weight Loss - August 12, 2022

4 Best Ways Tamarind Helps You To Lose Weight

Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror and got frustrated with those extra pounds or loose muscles? Did you ever get fed up of indulging in crash diets or using miracle weight loss pills because they gave no results?

If this is the case, then there is some amazing news for you. You can now lose weight, I mean, really lose weight with this one super-ingredient that is available in your kitchen!

It is the wonder-food tamarind. Are you thinking how the humble tamarind can help you in losing weight? Is tamarind good for weight loss? Sit back and read on! You will be amazed!

In This Article

What Is Tamarind?


Tamarind is a leguminous tree belonging to the Fabaceae family and indigenous to tropical Africa. The tamarind tree produces edible, pod-like fruits, which are used extensively in cuisines around the world.

StyleCraze TriviaTamarind has a juicy and acidic pulp with a sweet and tangy taste, which makes it an excellent addition to balance out flavors in savory dishes.

Nutritional Values Of Tamarind


To understand how tamarind helps one lose weight, we need to first take a look at all the nutrients present in it.

Here are the nutritional facts of tamarind (1):

Tamarinds, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 239 kcal (1,000 kJ)
Carbohydrates 62.5 g
Sugars 57.4
Dietary fiber 5.1 g
Fat 0.6 g
Protein 2.8 g
Thiamine (B1) (37%) 0.428 mg
Riboflavin (B2) (13%) 0.152 mg
Niacin (B3) (13%) 1.938 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5) (3%) 0.143 mg
Vitamin B6 (5%) 0.066 mg
Folate (B9) (4%) 14 μg
Choline (2%) 8.6 mg
Vitamin C (4%) 3.5 mg
Vitamin E (1%) 0.1 mg
Vitamin K (3%) 2.8 μg
Trace metals
Calcium (7%) 74 mg
Iron (22%) 2.8 mg
Magnesium (26%) 92 mg
Phosphorus (16%) 113 mg
Potassium (13%) 628 mg
Sodium (2%) 28 mg
Zinc (1%) 0.1 mg
Link to USDA Database entry
Units μg = micrograms  • mg = milligrams IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient Database

Now that we know which nutrients tamarind has, let’s understand how it helps to aid in weight loss.

Tamarind For Weight Loss:

1. Contains Hydroxy Citric Acid

Tamarind contains HCA – hydroxy citric acid which slows down the production of fat. HCA is very similar to citric acid. This acid is present in many other plants too, but it is most prominently found in tamarind. Studies suggest that HCA inhibits the enzyme in the body that promotes fat storage. Hydroxycitric acid also suppresses appetite by increasing serotonin neurotransmitter levels. It also burns fat during long exercises. But research is in progress to check HCA’s effect on metabolic rates (2), (3).

Related: Benefits Of Citric Acid For Skin, How To Use, & Side Effects

2. Acts As A Mild Laxative


Tamarind also acts as a mild laxative (4). Tamarind juice is effective in treating and preventing bile disorders (5).

3. Helps The Digestive System:


Consumption of tamarind aids in the smooth working of the digestive system. This makes sure your health stays at its optimum levels (6 ).

Related: 14 Home Remedies For Digestive Problems And Prevention Tips

4. Helps Prevent Overeating:


StyleCraze SaysYou can use tamarind pulp instead of vinegar in salad dressings. You can also make tamarind paste as a dip or topping for meats and fritters.

If you are accumulating pounds due to binge eating and finding it hard to control yourself, then tamarind benefits weight loss by setting up your appetite right (7).

Related: Natural Appetite Stimulant: Home Remedies, Exercises, And Medicines

What Are The Other Benefits Of Tamarind?

  1. Tamarind may not only helps you lose weight but also offers a number of other benefits, thanks to the abundance of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in it (1).
  2. Tamarind can be used to cure sore throat (8).
  3. Tamarind may help fight against cancer too. It contains high levels of antioxidants, which may help prevent and combat colon cancer (9).
  4. Tamarind is rich in Vitamin C (1). Hence, it serves as a fantastic cure for scurvy and other health issues related to the deficiency of Vitamin C (10).
  5. Applying tamarind on wounds may lead to faster healing (11).

Infographic: 4 Ways Tamarind May Promote Weight Loss

Losing weight can be tough. And with all those extra hours in the gym, if you still cannot see any results, try consuming tamarind. This tangy delight may help you achieve your weight loss goals. Check out the infographic below to learn the top 4 ways it may support your weight loss journey. Scroll down.

Tamarind is a rich source of hydroxy citric acid, a compound that is known to slow down fat production in the body. In addition, tamarind may work as an appetite suppressant since it can increase the levels of serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain. Consuming tamarind for weight loss also comes with other health benefits as it is rich in various minerals and vitamins. For instance, tamarind may help improve digestion and exert a mild laxative effect. It also may be used to facilitate wound healing and cure sore throats. With its rich tangy taste, tamarind has various culinary uses, so it is fairly easy to incorporate it into your meal plans.

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