Home Fashion Style How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Have a Photogenic Smile
Fashion Style - July 17, 2022

How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Have a Photogenic Smile


At-Home Whitening Kits

Years of smoking, drinking coffee, or poor dental hygiene practices can result in stained teeth. Certain toothpaste natural whitening methods may not be effective. If this is the case for you, then home kit alternatives might be the best option. Many dentist offices will sell advanced whitening kits, and some companies can deliver them to your door. 

There are also over-the-counter, low-cost kits that consist of whitening strips, toothpaste, and rinses that will work to remove layers of stains. While these have been known to produce results, they will not be as effective as the aforementioned advanced whitening kits.

Effective Dental Hygiene

Proper dental hygiene practices are the best defense against staining and plaque. Make sure you make it your mission to brush at least twice a day. Don’t neglect other parts of your teeth. Floss gets to plaque that your toothbrush can’t, so always floss once a day. Mouthwashes are used to kill bacteria that can cause plaque. All of these are key in keeping your smile gleaming. 

Healthy Foods

Certain foods can combat plaque and stains. Foods like carrots, celery, pears, and apples trigger a lot of saliva. This can help wash away food that could otherwise stick to your teeth and cause stains. Introducing more dairy products, nuts, and leafy greens can strengthen enamel, which will keep your teeth looking good and feeling good. 

Oil Pulling

An old tradition to combat stain-causing plaque is oil pulling. By swishing around sunflower oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, or any kind of oil really, will kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. Many prefer coconut oil because of its pleasant taste and smell. There’s no evidence that it actually whitens teeth, but it can fight plaque, which is often one of the root causes of stains. Coconut oil’s ability to kill off harmful bacteria is so effective that it can even prevent gum disease. 

Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide into a paste and brush with it on occasion. Rinse your mouth thoroughly afterward. This should not substitute as your primary toothpaste, but it is a great whitening method you can use several times a week. Studies have actually shown that people who brush with baking soda or toothpaste that contain it generally have whiter teeth. 

Preventative Measures: 

Here are a few basic strategies for avoiding stains after whitening them. 

Avoid Soda, Juice, and Coffee

Soda tends to have a lot of sugar, and it’s so sticky that other things will stick to it. This causes a lot of plaque to build up and can lead to tooth decay. Juice is very acidic, and this has worn away the enamel on your teeth, causing them to lose their shine and resistance. Coffee is one of the biggest contributors to stained teeth and should be avoided completely if having a white smile is important to you. 

Quit Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

Smoking and chewing tobacco can lead to more health problems than almost anything else you can consume. They can lead to various types of mouth cancers and will certainly cause a build-up of stains. Many of the effects of smoking and chewing tobacco are irreversible, and if you’re able to whiten them after years of smoking or chewing, then it’s imperative that you stay away from them if you want to keep your smile white.

Cut Back on Carbs and Sugar

A diet with a lot of carbs and sugars will increase plaque and the chances of tooth decay. Most people who consume a lot of carbs and sugars also have stained teeth. Keep your carb and sugar intake to a minimum if you want a platinum smile. 

Increase Calcium Intake

Calcium is necessary for not just bones, but for teeth too! It strengthens your teeth from the inside and keeps the enamel strong. For healthy teeth, make some calcium-rich additions to your diet. 

There are many causes of yellow grins, and it’s a good idea to evaluate your diet to figure out what it is that could be causing stains on your teeth. Once you get to the root of the problem, take the preventive measure necessary to keep plaque and bacteria at bay, and you will surely reap the pearly white benefits.

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