Home Weight Loss How To Stop Throwing Up After Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Weight Loss - June 14, 2022

How To Stop Throwing Up After Drinking Too Much Alcohol

The experience of throwing up after drinking is awful, and it may wear off the buzz. However, this may signal that your body is trying to tell you something important and may indicate an underlying concern. The article explains why alcohol makes you throw up and how to recover from it. Read on.

In This Article

Why Does Alcohol Make You Throw Up?

It is evident that any kind of alcohol could be toxic to our health. The body may take a lot more effort to break down these alcoholic substances. When one consumes alcohol, the liver enzymes break it down into acetaldehyde. However, when the acetaldehyde levels get too high in the liver, our body reacts by making us vomit. This way, you are flushing out the excess alcohol that your liver is finding hard to break down (1).

An excessive amount of alcohol may also irritate the lining of your stomach. This, in turn, may cause acid to build-up and make you nauseous (1).

These are a few reasons alcohol may cause you to throw up. However, you can consume certain foods to enhance recovery. Read on.

What To Consume After Throwing Up?

1. Water

When you throw up, your body gets dehydrated. Hence, keep drinking water to keep your body hydrated. Regular fluid intake may also help treat your hangover. According to Pallini Winnifred, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, it is important to drink water or other hydrating fluids after vomiting from any cause, as vomiting can lead to dehydration. She adds, “However, it is important to drink fluids slowly and in small amounts to avoid further nausea. If you are unable to keep fluids down or are experiencing severe dehydration, it is important to seek medical attention.”

Related: 8 Important Benefits Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

2. Coffee/Tea


The caffeine in coffee or tea doesn’t do much to cure your hangover. However, drinking these beverages the night after a heavy drinking session may help reduce your headache and the whole groggy effect.

3. Bananas

When you throw up after drinking, your body loses important electrolytes and becomes dehydrated. Bananas are rich in potassium, which may help restore the body’s electrolytes and aid in your recovery. However, more research is warranted in this regard.

4. Watermelon


Watermelon contains 92% water (2). Hence, eating watermelon after a night of heavy drinking may help restore your body’s hydration.

5. Avocado


Apart from bananas, avocados can also be a great source of potassium (3). Avocado is also known to help treat liver injury (4). As heavy drinking may cause harm to the liver, eating avocado could be considered beneficial.

Related: 11 Side Effects Of Avocados You Should Be Aware Of

6. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Studies show that vitamin C can elevate glutathione levels in the blood (5). Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps detoxify your body and the liver (6).

7. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in carbohydrates that may help elevate your sugar levels and mood. It may help you deal with hangover fatigue. Additionally, oatmeal contains several nutrients that also may boost your energy levels and fight fatigue (7).

Related: 22 Best Benefits Of Oatmeal For Skin, Hair, And Health

8. Green Tea


Green tea is believed to speed up the process of alcohol metabolism and reduce the chances of liver injury (8). Drinking green tea may soothe your mind and body too.

StyleCraze SaysYou can also consume broth, diluted fruit juices, or ginger tea to replenish your body’s lost fluids after throwing up.

While these foods may help with your recovery, it is important to note that throwing up after drinking alcohol does have its own side effects.

Side Effects Of Throwing Up After Drinking Alcohol

  •  Apart from feeling awful due to vomiting continuously, you will also suffer from headaches, an upset stomach, and body aches.
  •  Excess drinking followed by throwing up may cause excess dehydration and affect your kidneys. Make sure to rehydrate yourself.
  •  Some may also experience gastrointestinal bleeding. In extreme cases, you may breathe in your vomit that may travel into your lungs and lead to pneumonia.

StyleCraze SaysYou can also suck on ice chips or frozen juice chips after vomiting if you are too sick to consume large volumes of liquid.

Usually throwing up after drinking doesn’t require a doctor’s attention. However, in few cases, you must visit a doctor as soon as possible.

When To See A Doctor?

  •  If you haven’t stopped throwing up even after 24 hours of drinking.
  •  If you show signs of dehydration like dizziness and inability to pee.
  •  If you have a fever.
  •  If you find traces of blood in your vomit.

Winnifred says, “If you have consumed a large amount of alcohol and are experiencing symptoms, such as vomiting, dizziness, or difficulty breathing, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms can be signs of alcohol poisoning, which can be life-threatening.”

Infographic: How Not To Throw Up After Drinking

Throwing up after drinking is a terrible experience that leaves you regretting all your lifestyle choices every time it happens. It is also detrimental to your health as you lose electrolytes and stand the risk of severe dehydration. Of course, there are ways to feel better and stop further vomiting, but as the cliche goes, prevention is better than cure.

So, check out this infographic to learn about some tricks and a few do’s and don’ts to avoid puking after drinking again.

Drinking alcohol can be fun, but the after-effects of binge drinking can cause the high to fade quickly. Throwing up after drinking is a classic symptom of excessive alcohol consumption. So, make sure you eat or drink something hydrating and nutritious to replenish your health and electrolytes. Follow our advice to recover quickly from throwing up. These remedies are effective as they use natural ingredients that boost liver function and balance electrolyte levels. However, if the condition persists along with other worrying symptoms, consult your healthcare provider. It is recommended that you limit your alcohol intake to prevent throwing up.

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