Home Weight Loss 9 Shocking Side Effects Of Spirulina
Weight Loss - March 27, 2022

9 Shocking Side Effects Of Spirulina

Spirulina, the free-flowing microalgae that grow in water bodies, is a rich source of nutrients and has been consumed in Central Africa for centuries. But, here’s the big question – are there any side effects of spirulina?

Spirulina is consumed orally and is available in flake, powder, or tablet form. The powder and flakes are also usually mixed in smoothies and fruit juices.

This healthy food can, in fact, be dangerous to your health if not consumed in controlled quantities. This article explores the nine surprising adverse effects of excess spirulina intake. Take a look!

Did You Know? Until the 16th century, Mesoamericans and Aztecs consumed spirulina as food. It was obtained from Mexico’s Lake Texcoco and was also sold to the soldiers in the form of cakes called ‘tecuitlatl’.

In This Article

What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Spirulina?

1. Worsens Phenylketonuria

Phenylketonuria is a genetically acquired disorder in which the patient cannot metabolize the amino acid called phenylalanine due to the lack of an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase.

The patient exhibits symptoms like delayed development, convulsions, hyperactivity, and analytical disability. Unfortunately, spirulina is a rich source of phenylalanine.

Consuming spirulina aggravates the symptoms of phenylketonuria.

2. Exacerbates The Symptoms Of Autoimmune Diseases


An autoimmune disease develops when the immune system attacks the healthy tissues in your body, causing organ damage and inflammation.

Arthritis, asthma, periodontitisXA common but serious gum infection that, if left untreated, may lead to the loss of teeth and damage to the jaw bone. , vitiligo, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosisXA chronic condition that damages the protective covering of the nerve fibers, disrupting communication between the brain and the body parts. , psoriasis, and pernicious anemiaXAn autoimmune condition where the body cannot absorb vitamin B12, leading to a drop in red blood cells. are a few examples of autoimmune diseases.

Spirulina is, after all, a foreign body. When you consume it, the body overreacts and amplifies the activity of the immune system. This exacerbates the symptoms of a pre-existing disease or gives rise to severe inflammation (1).

3. Interferes With Drug Action


Spirulina is an irritant to your immune system. It can interfere with drugs, especially immunosuppressantsXA group of drugs or agents that can suppress the body’s immune system and slow down immune responses. .

A person on immunosuppressant medication must not consume spirulina. Else, it will diminish the effect of the medication, resulting in serious complications.

4. Risk Of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Certain varieties of spirulina that are produced under unrestrained settings are often infested with significant traces of heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and lead.

Prolonged consumption of spirulina that comes from such undependable sources results in damage to your vital organs, such as the kidneys and liver.

Compared to adults, children are at a higher risk of developing fatal complications due to heavy metal poisoning from contaminated spirulina.

Make sure to check where your spirulina is sourced from.

5. Renal Disorders

Our body produces a significant amount of ammonia as it metabolizes the protein in spirulina, which gets converted into urea.

This puts excessive pressure on the kidneys to flush out such a large amount of urea from the blood, ultimately resulting in decreased efficiency of the kidneys and even renal failure.

Some people tend to develop kidney stones due to such high concentrations of urea in the renal system.

6. Triggers Edema And Body Weight Fluctuation


Spirulina is packed with vitamins, proteins, and minerals. People with compromised renal function would be unable to expel the unnecessary components from their bloodstream.

One of the most abundant minerals found in spirulina is iodine. While on the one hand, it is good to take in iodine via spirulina, on the other hand, it could affect your thyroid and parathyroid glands. The effects are more pronounced in people with hyperparathyroidismXA condition where the body has elevated parathyroid hormone levels, causing high calcium levels in the blood, which affects bone health. .

The build-up of excessive nutrients, along with iodine, in the blood leads to fluid retention (edema) in your limbs, imbalance in calcium, phosphate, and iodine absorption, and sudden weight gain or loss, lethargy, and cardiovascular diseases.

7. Digestive Discomfort And Nausea


Consuming spirulina can lead to flatulence, causing abdominal cramps, nausea, and anaphylaxisXQuick and chronic allergic reactions triggered by an allergen. It requires prompt medical care as it is life-threatening. – especially in people consuming it for the first time (2).

Spirulina varieties infested with contaminants, such as microcystins (toxins produced by blue-green algae), also give rise to serious gastric ailments like acute dehydration and indigestion.

Related: 13 Effective Home Remedies To Stop Vomiting And Nausea

8. Could Cause Anxiety And Motor Neuron Disease (MND)

Spirulina harvested from the unrestrained wild sources, such as lakes, ponds, and littered seas, contain toxic strains.

Such morphologically similar blue-green algae produce neurotoxic chemicals like β-methylamino-L-alanine, or BMAA, which could cause severe neurodegenerative disorders like motor neuron disease (MND), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, anxiety, and sleepless nights (insomnia) (3).

Related: 6 Tryptophan-Rich Food Groups For Poor Sleep & Anxiety Issues

9. Risk For Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women


The safety of spirulina for pregnant and nursing women is not well explored. Hence, it is recommended that pregnant or nursing women avoid taking spirulina or remain under strict medical surveillance while doing so.

Infants and children should be kept away from such supplements because they quickly develop allergies and fatal cross-reaction.

Related: Best Foods To Increase Breast Milk Supply Stylecraze Says Spirulina contaminated with cyanotoxins may prove to be a major health risk as these compounds act as potent neurotoxins (4).

In Short…

Though algae like spirulina are highly beneficial to our body, having it in the right dose matters.

Not only the dosage, but the source from which you obtain such supplements also has a significant effect on your health. It is important to know

  • the biochemical composition (co-existing microbes)
  • what kind of exhaust gets into these waters
  • whether the effluents are treated before discharge
  • the health of the local community
  • how the QC (quality control) of the source waterbody is done

To reap the maximum benefits from an excellent nutritive supplement like spirulina, you need to inquire about such details to avoid the deadly side effects listed here.

Remember always to keep your physician informed about the dosage and the way your body reacts to spirulina. In case you notice any of the symptoms we have discussed, refrain from taking spirulina and visit your doctor immediately.

Infographic: How To Deal With Side Effects Of Spirulina

Spirulina has gained the attention of many healthcare enthusiasts as a supplement loaded with many beneficial nutrients. It is consumed in many forms and offers various health benefits. However, it does cause side effects too. But the good news is you can deal with them. The following infographic discusses how you can deal with the side effects of spirulina. Check it out.

Spirulina is a healthy dietary supplement currently gaining popularity. However, if the dosage isn’t right and the supplement source isn’t regulated or certified, or if it contains impurities, then spirulina may cause side effects. The side effects of spirulina may range from aggravating autoimmune disorders to causing nausea and abdominal discomfort. It may also exacerbate medical conditions such as phenylketonuria, renal problems, or neurological disorders. In some cases, spirulina can cause allergic reactions or interfere with the functioning of certain immunosuppressant medications. Limiting or avoiding its consumption can help avoid these complications.

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